Experiencing Facial Volume Loss? We Can Help

Experiencing Facial Volume Loss? We Can Help

Aging isn’t for the faint of heart, as the saying goes. In addition to the hormonal changes and minor aches and pains that come with aging, your skin also starts to break down.

Most people talk about the wrinkles, creases, and sun spots, but there’s another skin change that subtly affects the structure of your face over the decades: a loss of facial volume. Certain places where your facial skin might have been smooth and plump may now look sunken and hollow.

Dr. Sharon Gertzman and the Serenity Medical Spa team offer unmatched treatment for this and a multitude of other age-related appearance issues. She prioritizes your comfort and safety, and keeps her eye on the goals you have set for yourself and your appearance. You’ve got many choices when it comes to reviving your look.

Facial volume loss: Why does it happen?

The short answer is that gravity catches up to your face. But what’s really happening when you notice sunken areas on your face is that the underlying structure transforms. Loss of collagen and elastin, the two most important proteins that exist in your connective tissue, cause a reduction of facial volume over time. 

You might see the results of this shift in your cheeks, in your nasolabial area between your nostrils and the corners of your mouth, and in the area of your face where you can develop “marionette lines,” or creases that emerge on the sides of your mouth and extend down toward your chin. 

These types of wrinkles are static, and form due to collagen and elastin loss, as opposed to dynamic lines that develop from repeated facial movements, which we treat with neurotoxin injections. 

What is the treatment solution for that unwelcome hollow look?

The ideal treatments for fighting volume loss — even in your hands, when combined with laser treatment — are injectable dermal fillers. Dr. Gertzman offers several that provide multiple benefits and are:

Dermal filler anti-aging treatment is also nondisruptive in that you can leave our office immediately after treatment and continue with your normal activities. 

Since Dr. Gertzman believes in offering her patients varied treatment options, you have three choices for dermal fillers to consider:

1. Hyaluronic acid fillers

These use synthetic hyaluronic acid (HA), but your body produces HA, too. Hyaluronic acid serves as a joint and tissue lubricant in your body. Many topical anti-aging products on the market also contain hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid’s natural plumping mechanisms fill the areas of your face that lack volume. We offer different types of these fillers, depending on which part of your face Dr. Gertzman treats. 

The popular Restylane family of dermal filler products addresses multiple issues:

Another effective HA filler, Juvéderm Voluma XC, helps add volume to your mid-face and last up to two years. 

Dr. Gertzman helps you decide which filler matches your needs best. 

2. Sculptra

Sculptra is a filler that contains Poly-L-lactic acid, a substance that stimulates collagen production and restores your skin’s foundational strength. It’s made specifically for tackling issues that affect the middle portion of your face and is not appropriate for lip treatments. 

Sculptra takes a bit longer for results to become visible compared to some other fillers, but the results can last up to two years. 

3. Radiesse

Radiesse contains calcium-based microspheres, which are absorbable agents that add volume at the point of treatment and urge your body to produce more collagen, which maintains your restored volume. 

Similar to Sculptra, it’s for the mid-face and also can be used for volume loss on the sides of the chin, but it shouldn’t be used in your lips. 

Radiesse’s effects last for about 12 months.

In order to keep your skin looking its best after treatment, we offer the excellent ZO Skin Health line of products. Developed by respected dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi, they’re made from only the highest quality ingredients, and all are available through our office. 

Call the Serenity office today at 609-337-2790 to schedule a consultation if you’ve experienced noticeable facial volume loss, or book one online

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