Our skin’s primary function is to serve as our first line of defense against environmental elements. It keeps us safe day in and day out. Taking proper care of your skin is one of the best ways to keep yourself looking young and healthy. Dr. Sharon Gertzman offers a plethora of skin-care treatments like microdermabrasion to keep your skin in top form.

Microdermabrasion is a popular skin-rejuvenation treatment that removes the outer layer of dead skin cells to reveal the smooth, unharmed, healthy skin which lies just beneath.

Since microdermabrasion removes that dead outer layer of skin, any skin imperfections on that layer will also be removed. Skin imperfections such as uneven skin pigmentation, fine line, wrinkles and sun damage may be effectively treated with this process.

Consulting with a skin-care specialist is the best way to determine if microdermabrasion is the right treatment option for you. Contact our Pennington office to schedule your consultation today.

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