Tips for Managing Your Rosacea in the Summertime

rosacea, prevention

Summer is here, and with it are lots of opportunities to bask and relax in the warm sunshine. Spending time outdoors is one of the prime pleasures of summer, but if you have rosacea — a skin condition that causes chronic redness and acne-like breakouts — it can also be a main trigger for flare-ups and worsening of your symptoms.

No one wants to spend all summer hiding from the sun and steering clear of outdoor activities. Fortunately, if you have rosacea, you can still enjoy summer fun without worrying about major flare-ups — as long as you follow a few simple guidelines. Sun stimulates rosacea symptoms in two primary ways: through exposure to UV rays and through increased skin temperature. So to keep your flare-ups under control, you’ll need to do what you can to minimize both of those effects.

Wear sunscreen — and reapply regularly

It’s important to wear sunscreen no matter what to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Without sunscreen, you can get a sunburn, and that same burning effect can trigger rosacea symptoms. Most people who have rosacea are also fair-skinned, which means they’re more prone to burning anyway; but even if you have rosacea and your skin isn’t fair, it’s still very important to wear sunscreen — at least an ounce per application — and to reapply throughout the day.

Drink plenty of cool water

Your body temperature is affected by more than the external heat from the sun’s rays. Your internal body temperature can make your skin hot, too. Drinking lots of cool beverages — ideally, water — can help keep you cool on the inside. Other cool drinks can help too; just avoid any drinks with caffeine, which can dry you out and make your skin more prone to overheating. Popsicles and other frozen treats are good choices as well.

Seek out shade

Instead of sitting in the full sun, lounge beneath the cool shade of a tree or under a deck or covered porch. Preventing the hot sun from reaching your skin in the first place is one of the most effective ways of preventing sunburn and keeping your skin as cool as possible.

Don a hat

A hat with a wide brim that covers your face is another good way to keep the sun from shining directly on your face. Pick one with a brim all the way around (instead of a baseball cap) to protect your neck and ears from harmful UV rays that can cause skin cancer.

Avoid the sun when it’s at its strongest

The sun’s rays are especially intense during the middle part of the day — specifically, from around 10 a.m. until about 3 or 4 p.m. If you can, stay indoors during that time, or at least stay in a shaded area. Not only are the UV rays most intense during those hours, but the sun’s heat is also at its peak.

Be kind to your skin

You might think the dry weather of winter is the only time you really need to worry about pampering your skin, but hot summer weather takes a toll, too. Harsh soaps and other personal products can irritate even the healthiest skin. If you have rosacea, your skin can be even more prone to irritation. Be sure to use a mild facial cleanser and plenty of moisturizer to reduce the risk of irritation and to help prevent your skin from becoming overly dry.

Skip the spicy barbecue foods

Barbecue season is a great time to try some new sauces, but if you have rosacea, those added spices add more than a little heat to your entree. They can also wind up triggering your symptoms. Not everyone is affected by spicy foods, but if you are, opt for a burger or other “un-sauced” or non-spicy item, or stick to cooler salads and side dishes. Even if you’re not usually sensitive to spicy foods, if you’re enjoying your food while sitting in a hot environment, it’s still a good idea not to overindulge.

At Serenity MedSpa, we help patients keep their skin healthy and beautiful with custom treatments designed just for their needs. To learn how we can help your skin look and feel its best, book an appointment online today.

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