Waxing, shaving, and threading are among the most common ways to eliminate body hair, but the hair on the face, arms, and legs always come back, making these practices tedious and incredibly annoying. Wouldn’t it be great if you had the option to get rid of all of your excess hair longer without having to worry about consistent hair removal practices?

While shaving, waxing, and creams have been useful tools in removing hair, laser treatments have proven to be faster and more effective solutions. Innovative laser technologies like the Lumenis LightSheer laser has made hair removal a breeze. Lasers are great at getting rid of body hair on the face, arms, and legs, as well as sensitive areas like the nose and bikini line.


The Lumenis LightSheer laser is one of the most advanced hair removal lasers available. It generates an intense pulse of light through a handpiece to impair hair growth in the target area. The device is gently applied to the skin and the light penetrates the surface to damage the hair roots.

After undergoing a laser treatment, you will begin to see visible results in about ten days. These results will progress overtime and your skin will begin to look smoother and more vibrant without all of the excess hair. With a full series of treatments, you can expect to permanently eliminate most of your excess hair growth.

The LightSheer laser has several unique features, including:

• A versatile diode laser of 805nm
• 13 different sized handpieces with different spot sizes
• Two kinds of advanced technologies
• Upgradable features that add new capabilities


When the device is applied to the skin’s surface, the the light pulses target the designated areas and cause the melanocytes to spread apart from each other. This will constrict the flow of blood in the area and damage the hair follicles. The skin will then be released.


• It is highly efficient – It reduces the competency of chromophores that helps in the easier and more efficient delivery of the laser energy.
• It is very safe to use – The procedure is non-invasive and can eliminate hair from all parts of your body without any adverse reactions.
• It is painless – The laser activates the pressure and tactile receptors of the skin that eliminates the sensation of pain.

The entire process is very comfortable and painless. Specific areas like the legs or back can be treated in under ten minutes. The whole body can be completed in an hour, however, the face might take a little more time as it needs to be done with careful precision. There is no preparation time and no anesthesia required for the LightSheer laser procedure.


As a highly skilled physician, Dr. Sharon Gertzman has the experience necessary to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Contact our office to schedule a consultation where you can learn more about the procedure and to find out if you will make a good candidate.

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