How to Tighten Skin Without Surgery

How to Tighten Skin Without Surgery

When you look up the term “radiofrequency” in the dictionary, its definition focuses on electromagnetic wave frequencies used for communication, from radar to cell phones. 

But did you know that radiofrequency technology is also key to a revolutionary skin-tightening treatment? 

It’s true, and Dr. Sharon Gertzman uses the TempSureEnvi treatment platform to help patients distressed by loose, sagging skin. Even though skin laxity is normal as you age, it can bruise your self-confidence.

Dr. Gertzman and the Serenity Medical Spa team offer multiple treatments to keep you looking your best, and TempSure Envi has proven to lift her patients’ spirits and firm their skin.

How can skin-tightening treatment turn back time?

Because Dr. Gertzman uses only proven innovative, safe, and effective treatments, her decision to provide TempSure Envi was easy. Here are a few of its many benefits:

Dr. Gertzman has seen firsthand how effectively and quickly TempSure Envi treatments work. The combination of her expertise and advanced skin-tightening technology means that you can go from wanting to hide your loose skin to showing off visibly tauter skin proudly. 

Collagen is critical

The magic behind TempSure Envi is that the treatment stimulates your body to produce collagen, the essential protein in your connective tissue that strengthens your skin’s structure. 

Your body naturally produces less collagen as you age, resulting in droopy facial and body skin. You may notice sagging on your face, abdomen, chest, neck, and hands, just to list a few — but TempSure Envi can refresh all of these problem areas.

TempSure Envi addresses universally dreaded facial skin issues like crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, and sagging jowls.

The treatment is comfortable and brief; you can return to work or whatever else you want to do immediately after your appointment. During your session, Dr. Gertzman gently applies the TempSure Envi handheld device to your treatment area. Most patients say they feel a warm sensation but experience no discomfort. 

The radiofrequency energy reaches into your skin and triggers your body to make more collagen. 

Dr. Gertzman typically recommends a series of TempSure Envi treatments, though you’ll likely notice an improvement in your skin and a more rejuvenated look even after your initial treatment. You’ll see continued improvement in your skin as time goes on, too. 

Initially, you may come in for treatment every two to four weeks, but after your first treatment course, you only need to visit us once or twice a year to maintain your TempSure Envi results

TempSure Envi leaves you looking like you — but more naturally glowing and beautiful.

Learn more about how TempSure Envi can transform your skin by scheduling a complimentary initial appointment with Dr. Gertman. Call our Pennington Road office at 609-891-3188 or request an appointment online

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