Keep Your Body Looking Beach-Ready Even After Summer is Over With SculpSure

Do you work out religiously and eat super cleanly but feel disappointed with problem areas of your body where the fat absolutely refuses to budge? You may have a tendency to retain weight in certain spots due to heredity and body type. 

If you struggle with having a larger belly, wider thighs, or a fleshier lower back (the dreaded “muffin top”) than you’d like, it’s not only unattractive, these areas of fat can pose health risks. For example, belly fat can put you more at risk for diabetes and heart disease, while lower back “love handles” may increase your chances of sleep apnea and even certain cancers. 

Serenity Medical Spa offers a treatment option for banishing fat from those impossible-to-reduce places, and it has so many plusses, you’ll be amazed. Dr. Sharon Gertzman adopted  WarmSculpting™ with SculpSure, a method that has proven to be a game changer for our patients.

The miracle of body contouring treatments

Body contouring helps you lose fat and add firmness in your trouble areas, but since it’s nonsurgical, it’s completely noninvasive, unlike major surgeries like liposuction, for example. 

The amount of risk that’s taken out of the equation when you consider this factor is one of the most significant selling points of body contouring — aside from its transformative effects, of course. 

There’s not an area on your body that WarmSculpting with SculpSure can’t help improve. Dr. Gertzman can treat your thighs, stomach, bottom, upper arms, and those dreaded love handles. Amazingly, the treatment even eliminates immovable fat deposits from bulge around your bra line and under your chin. 

A body contouring treatment with multiple benefits

A beyond-impressive 90+% patient satisfaction rating is hard to argue with. In fact, both practitioners and patients are fans of WarmSculpting with SculpSure because of its many undeniable benefits:

How does body contouring zap fat forever?

First, it’s important to understand how fat in your body works. We’re all equipped with a finite number of fat cells that can expand and shrink as our body weight shifts. WarmSculpting treatments actually destroy fat cells forever, safely. 

WarmSculpting by SculpSure sends targeted laser energy to heat up and damage your unwanted fat cells. Over a period of several months, your lymphatic system metabolizes and eliminates them — forever. Treatment is delivered via the SculpSure system paddles that Dr. Gertzman applies directly to the areas on your body she’s addressing. 

You see noticeable results at about the six-week mark post-treatment, but they continue up to 12 weeks after treatment. Dr. Gertzman devises a treatment plan based on your needs, so the number of treatments you receive is determined by your conversations with her. 

What’s a body contouring treatment like?

A WarmSculpting treatment is more like a visit to the spa than a medical treatment. Since all you feel is warmth when you’re getting the treatment, you can close your eyes, listen to music, or read. 

Many of our patients ask how WarmSculpting with SculpSure compares to other types of body contouring treatments.

The appearance of your skin post-treatment is more refined with WarmSculpting with SculpSure because it gets rid of fat that surrounds your targeted treatment area, too. Other treatment types that use cool temperatures instead of warm can only affect one area of your body at a time, whereas the SculpSure system can address multiple areas if needed because it’s equipped with four paddles. 

Finally, WarmSculpting with SculpSure not only destroys fat, the treatments stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which improves the appearance of your skin where you were treated; cold treatment doesn’t. 

WarmSculpting with SculpSure is ideal for those who are committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle consistently. Treatments will make you body-confident whether you’re in the pool or on the ski slopes.

Learn if you’re a candidate for body contouring treatment

Schedule a consultation with us today to discuss WarmSculpting with SculpSure. You can either call our office to set one up or arrange an appointment online through our website.

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