PicoSure tattoo removal, an FDA-approved procedure, makes use of laser technology for removing unwanted tattoos. In the PicoSure tattoo-removal procedure, short energy bursts used. These bursts are measured in picoseconds, a unit of time that represents a trillionth of a second. They cause tattoo ink to break down into small particles that are then removed from the body.

PicoSure can provide excellent results when used to treat ink colors that give other laser methods a difficult time. It also demands fewer treatments for achieving desirable results.


Here is a quick overview of the key benefits of the PicoSure tattoo-removal technique:

• It is capable of removing a wide variety of tattoos.
• It can be used on nearly all skin types.
• It is quicker and more effective compared to other tattoo-removal laser technologies.
• It can successfully remove tough green and blue inks that typically do not respond well to other laser procedures.
• It requires only minimal downtime between treatments.


The PicoSure tattoo-removal procedure does not involve the use of heat. Instead, it uses short energy bursts that break down the ink on your skin into tiny, almost microscopic fragments. A significant advantage of PicoSure over other tattoo-removal technologies is that it does not affect the surrounding skin in any way.

This makes PicoSure a more precise and comprehensive tattoo-removal technique in comparison to the old Q-switch lasers. It requires fewer sittings, and the time between follow-up treatments can be shorter since recovery time is minimal.

It is important to note that the number of treatments required will depend on factors such as the size of the tattoo, the ink’s characteristics, your lifestyle habits, and the tattoo’s location. Your aesthetic physician will usually call you for a sitting every few weeks and will design a plan that suits your individual requirements.


Aesthetic physicians suggest that different ink colors respond to different laser treatments, and PicoSure tattoo removal is effective in removing green, blue, and certain black ink tattoos. It is generally considered suitable for patients with I-IV skin types. This treatment is not recommended for cosmetic tattoos such as eyebrows or eyeliner.

Those who have undergone the PicoSure tattoo removal surgery haven’t reported any significant side effects. You can speak with your surgeon if you have problems related to poor wound healing at the time of the initial consultation.

PicoSure is safe and provides minimal risk of scar development. You may experience mild redness or itchiness on your skin after the treatment, but this absolutely normal and will recede over time.


One vital step in the removal process is getting a personal consultation with your aesthetic physician in order to assess your tattoo-removal needs. This will help gain an understanding of whether your particular skin type/color is suitable for PicoSure tattoo removal.

If you’re no longer happy with your tattoo, you should contact us to schedule a consultation with Serenity Health Spa. During your complimentary consultation, Dr. Sharon Gertzman, an experienced aesthetic physician, will assess your needs and develop an effective plan of action. You will receive the best cosmetic and skin care services available.

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