Your Summer Body Starts Now: Banish Bulges with WarmSculpting™ with SculpSureⓇ

As you brave the winds of winter, your layers of warm clothing may keep you toasty, but they also hide body flaws — the stubborn, lumpy, bumpy problem areas that dieting and exercise just don’t seem to budge. 

Bathing suit weather is only a few short months from now, and there won’t be anywhere to hide. 

The Serenity Medical Spa team can come to your rescue with a minimally invasive, safe treatment that targets those spots so you’re swimsuit-ready by the time June arrives. Dr. Sharon Gertzman offers WarmSculpting™ with SculpSure, a body contouring system that transforms your “before” body into an enviable “after” with just a few treatments. 

The dilemma of problem areas 

You eat right and work out, but some trouble spots remain just that — troublesome — because the fat simply won’t budge. So many struggle with this issue, and if you’ve had enough, it’s time to consider WarmSculpting with SculpSure, a body contouring treatment that zaps your fat in the most targeted way you can imagine and banishes it forever.

WarmScultping treatments remove stubborn fat from your:

If one or more of these areas is preventing you from feeling 100% confident, it’s time to take charge and do something about it. 

Why does WarmSculpting with SculpSure work? 

In a word, heat. The technology behind WarmSculpting with SculpSure is advanced, and according to the area you want to treat, Dr. Gertzman chooses from a set of handheld devices that send laser energy right to the fat cells you want gone, and obliterates them permanently. Later your body eliminates them as waste naturally. 

What makes WarmSculpting with SculpSure stand out? The unbeatable benefits it offers patients include:

WarmSculptuing treatments also prompt your body to manufacture collagen and elastin, so your treatment areas don’t sag; they look smooth and taut. 

This abundance of benefits illustrates why so many women and men are opting for WarmSculpting with SculpSure to get them looking fabulous, beach season or not.

Will I be comfortable during my WarmSculpting treatment?

Believe it or not, we hear frequently from our patients who take advantage of WarmSculpting with SculpSure that treatments feel more like spa visits. When you come to Serenity Medical Spa for a WarmSculpting treatment, we make sure you’re comfortable. 

Before she starts the session, Dr. Gertzman applies a cooling gel to your treatment site. As she administers treatment, you feel a mixture of hot and cold and some tingling, but it’s completely tolerable. It’s normal to experience slight post-treatment tenderness or bruising, but there’s zero downtime required after WarmSculpting with SculpSure. 

You and Dr. Gertzman decide how many treatments you should receive, depending on your goals. 

In terms of results, you notice changes at about six weeks after your session, and by 12 weeks, it’s safe to say that your results will wow you. 

Get a head start on summer by scheduling your WarmSculpting with SculpSure treatment now. Call our office at 609-337-2790 or book an appointment on our website

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